Equipping FO for chosens/kotbs doesn't change much. Or as you may call it changes, us to squishies without increasing our dmg by any noticable ammount. We just get very squishy then, without any real benefits.
First thing that needs to be said BG/IB/BO/SM need some serious buffs for theyr low/crippled/lacking utility. Afterwards dev's need to think about some tweaks to low, crappy dps of kotbs/chosens.
BG/IB/BO/SM need to get at least one really good (like stagger, crippling strikes) utility skill/tacitc/etc when they are in full dps mode, just like kotbs/chosens can do now.
FO should make a serious difference (for all tanks).
Maybe it would decrease taunt cooldown/increase dmg bonus? read forward.
OR :
None should be able to do that, then every tank should have very similar dps tree, CS+RB should be somewhat mirrored to other tanks or moved to other tree. If all tank's dps trees were made to be very similar they should consist of :
+3 tactic reducing cost of all dps tree related skills dps by X%, or just whatever you like
+5 skill some minor aoe utility/medium single target offensive utility (like aoe snare with dmg 25-50% above spammable, improvement goodies increased range at cost of AP, increased dmg/cooldown by cost of AP/reduced radius, making it aoe cone if ST at cost of lowered damage/increased AP cost)
+7 tactic +X% 2h weapon dmg +Y something (improvement goodies to the left/right might increase further +x% 2h weapon dmg, add more +Y)
+9 skill single target knockdown for 3-5 seconds with 10 sec cooldown (improvement goodies to the left/right might make it longer/more dmg on hit/longer duration downsides would be increased AP cost)
+11 tactic +X% 2h weapon crit chance increase (goodies to the left/right might add +X% crit dmg effect, increase +x% crit increase by some ammount like 5-10%)
+13 skill one big hitting, 10-20 second cooldown ability with some minor post effects/dots/debuffs/etc (with dmg 50-100% above spammable, improvement goodies might decrease cooldown by max 5 sec this would require huge increase in AP cost, increase dmg at cost of AP)
+15 morale 4 something more useful like 2k insta hit with some post effect/dot/debuff
Good spammable tied to it with any necessary debuffing methods to increase your own dmg vs single target (chosens/kotbs case comes to mind mainly).
each tactic/skill step could then unlock short path to spend points to the left and right. To spend your points further.
You should be able to put all your points into one tree to maximize your dps, picking up nice things to further buff your dps thus sacrificing all utility. Maybe put some paralell unlockables at let's say 13+ spec for each tree, from that point you have one branch going to the left and one to the right which have few squares you need to put points in to reach an unlockable skill/tactic/passive to spend more points. Something like if you spend points and put more points in path to the left you get "increases FO damage bonus by +X%", "+X Melee Power", "+X% Dmg bonus" (this one not much max 5-10%) and if you go to the right you can unlock things like "5% chance on hit to debuff (only for you, only for your dmg) armour/resistances by X", "+X% Parry", "+X% Crit Dmg". So this way if u want to spec dps u need to put all points in respective tree to unlock nice goodies but sacrificing unlocking/getting anything from any other tree.
Each tree (dps, tank, debuff) trees for all tanks should have that kind of things.
Those opening branches should be open and defined for other classes as well.
OR if you put 13++ points in dps tree (or make it left/right after +13 spec, unlockable goodie) it could further improve/unlock Charge feature ive described below.
Charge Feature (might be tightly related to FO being used)
You have 5 charges. 5 at the beggining of fight. You use 1 charge per skill used. You get 1 Charge every 4 seconds (or every AA Hit? this would give s/b tanks that want to go dps, just a nice cookie to go for). Each charge is consumed when skill is used. That one charge used on skill adds flat ammount of damage to damage done, afterwards, after all mitigation/resists. As of Precision strike hits for 600 after all mitigation/resists/toughness/etc calculated, at the end of that calculation charge tick is added by ammount of +X, it does'nt buff dot's damage so no ticks of dots like 70 +X every second, it only applies at first tick of a skill.
This feature might only appear active when you use FO. Doesn't go through absorb shields, morale buffs, +100% parry/block whatever. Its treated as normal damage.
Buff shouldn't be big somewhere between 100-300. It wouldnt affect much those that are critting 2k-3k on regular basis. It would help low/medium dps tanks like SM,IB and mostly Kotbs/Chosens to increase theyr effective dmg a little.
Just brainstorming here.
P.S. im toying around in Photoshop gonna come up with a picture of changed dps tree just to show what do i mean.
Edit : here it is, very very rough and quick version of new sophisticated Dread Tree (chosen's dps tree)
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