
New 100 RR weapons PRE-PTS EVENT quick peek

So i've noticed on forums people saying that PTS 100 renown rank Templates are up and running. So i've went down and used WarTest icon on my desktop.
First thing you download 392 MB of data, so better do it now unless you want to watch downloading progress bar.
I've created renown rank 100 Template Chosen.
First thing you notice is the fact that there's a lot of naked people running around. That includes you too.
New armour set that your character is wearing (warpforged renown rank 100 armour set) is invisible, i.e. has no graphical/visual appearance in game. At least not yet. Wearing that suit of armour pumps dps chosen with dps build, gear and tallies to wooping 1300 str (somewhere around), 306 damage bonus (un-procced, without lotd cloaks rings and proper dps jewelry), yes you've read it properly. Soft cap past 80 rr is raised to at least 1500. From what i've read in advice channel there was a choppa that got to 1500 strenght (with brute force, don't wanna live foreva i can see it done easily).
Another thing worth mentioning is the fact that stat buffing tactics have increased ammount of attribute bonus. My rugged was giving me something around 184 tougness. So past 80 your character feels like 41-46 rank tho it isnt.

Btw tried out some dpsing on lotd champs. Critting Ravage for 1.9k on champion of sebok wasn't such a seldom sight to behold (FO, Taunt, warpforged +300 melee power proc)
100 rr dps classes gonna one shot everything below 80.
100 rr dps tank's will deal some crazy dmg (BO/BG/SM/IB)

If i ever reach 100rr and grind my arse off to get 100rr 2her i might be finally satisfied with my chosen dmg...

But i've went too far from the main goodie. New weapons in WAR. 100rr Weaponry.
Weapons do have active appearance on PTS so we can look how new goodies actualy appear in game.
Nearly all weapons have nice looking glowing/burning/etc effects engulfing them.
Not all classes have such nice effects on them (black ork that just spawned next to me didn't have any glowing/burning/etc effects on his 2h weapon.. tho it did look very nice, same went for 1h swords of DoK and 1h hammers of Marauder, which looked like crap btw).
Tho i would prefer to customize that sort of effects with some nice new tradeskill like enchantement that would add proc's effects to weapons or additional stats.
From what i saw marauder hammers are utter crap. Magus'es have nice staffs, gobbos have scrap built staffs with lol looks as usual,Oh DoK's have as usual spiky, sharp looking scimitars that are looong. Couldn't get any more info on the other classes because dev's announced that they've found some bug and they are closing down the PTS. That was basically the end.
Anyway here are links to pictures :

100 rr 2h DPS weapon

100 rr 2h Defensive weapon

100 rr 1h weapon no.1

100 rr 1h weapon no.2

100 rr Shield

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